An easy to use plugin for maintenance mode, either globally for the whole
website and/or for individual pages.
CMSimple_XH ab Version 1.7.x
Download plugin and unzip archive. Download source:
Upload the "maintenance" plugin to the "plugins" folder.
Note that the upload folder of the plugin is only called "maintenance",
not maintenance_xh and not maintenance_xh-master! Therefore you have to
rename the unpacked folder before uploading or rename the folder on the
server afterwards!
In the plugin folder there is a subfolder "html". In it there are the
files maintenance.html and maintenance_single.html.
These are the default lock pages that are displayed when maintenance mode
is activated, if nothing else has been set in the configuration:

On the configuration page, you can specify your own lock pages if you
It should be noted that the lock page for single page maintenance mode can
be a site within the CMS. So you can create it like a normal page within
the website.
However, this self-created lock page then also has the complete template
(i.e. with menu) of the website.
If you don't want this, you can use the print view of the page (so add
"&print" to the end of the URL).
Of course you can also adapt the two default files in a HTML editor to
your own wishes.
Since the blocking page for the global maintenance mode must not be a part
of the website to be blocked (i.e. in "Global-redirects" no URL may be
entered that refers to the own domain), it must be located e.g. in a
sub-domain ( or you just edit the default
file as already mentioned. *)
Under "Retry-after" the number of seconds is entered, after which the
webspider can expect a change of the status at the earliest.

Stylesheet - CSS file

The stylesheet file refers to the back-end only. The lock pages must
contain all CSS specifications internally (or they are part of the used
Maintenance - language file
Here you can adjust the interface to your own language as usual.
Everything you can enter here will only be visible on administrator level.
The maintenance mode lock pages have to be translated / created separately
into the desired language or get the desired multilingualism.
Maintenance - Settings
On the settings page of the plugin you can on the one hand switch the
global maintenance mode (blue button):

Secondly, it lists all pages that are currently in single-page
maintenance mode.
Application (for individual pages)
In the editor window of the individual page that is to be put into
maintenance mode, there is a Maintenance Mode tab at the top:

In order to activate the maintenance mode, you only have to check the
box ".... activate" and click on "Save" or uncheck the box to disable
the maintenance mode.
If you need help
... visit the
Holger : Holger Irmler, who wrote the plugin
olape : Discussion
participant, idea generator, helpful tips
: Discussant, idea generator
: Discussant, idea generator
: Discussant, idea generator
Copyright & License
© 2019 Holger Irmler
GNU General Public License v3.0
Permissions of this strong
copyleft license are conditioned on making available complete source
code of licensed works and modifications, which include larger works
using a licensed work, under the same license. Copyright and license
notices must be preserved. Contributors provide an express grant of
patent rights. ...
*) If you don't know or don't want to deal with direct coding of an
HTML page, you could also proceed like this:
Save/copy/rename the original maintenance.html file in the html subfolder
of the maintenance_XH plugin via FTP. Design a global lock page in the CMS
and temporarily disable the display of all other menu items.
- Pagemanager: "The checkboxes on the left of the pages allow to view and
change their publishing status. It can be set whether they refer to
'Published?" or "Show in navigation". If this setting is empty (default),
then no checkboxes are displayed."
Then display this self-designed lock page (menu name = maintenance mode)
and display the source code in the browser, copy the complete HTML code of
this web page and paste it into a new file maintenance.html. Upload this
via FTP into the html directory.
Make all menu items visible again (as far as they were before) and then
the global maintenance mode page should have the layout of your own